📉 Daily hearts (expire everyday):
1. Log in for daily hearts.
2. Open heart boxes (5 times
every 4 hours, 10 times if you
watch ads).
3. Send/receive hearts from
friends (3 hearts per day;
friend limit: 300 friends).
📈 Ever hearts (never expire)
1. Daily stamp attendance.
2. Watch video ads (5 ads
per 30 minutes; 200 hearts).
3. Post one HD square picture
(100 hearts everyday).
4. Post one video link (100
hearts every day).
5. Vote on community posts
(pictures or links). If you
decide to vote on community
posts, do it on rectangular
pictures or links with
rectangular thumbnails,
because square pictures
break the banners.
6. Check the languages giving
hearts, usually Korean, English,
Chinese (both) and Japanese.
More info: https://www.myloveidol.com/notices/101740/?locale=en