Happy BTS Year! 💜🎊
🔮 ARMY Teams United 🔮
⤵️ Please open for voting links and more ⤵️
For voting and streaming links, please check the ATU Carrd:
🔗 armyteamsunited.carrd.co
💜 ATU is currently seeking editors! If you're interested, please fill out the form:
🔗 https://forms.gle/QGLRwRqXgwZF6QLf6
Due to the character limit for post descriptions, we can't feature all relevant links here. We encourage all ARMY to create their own streaming lists on YouTube and Spotify! 💜
✅ Vote on community posts
❌ Don’t vote directly on the front page poll
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✂️ Any rude or inappropriate comments will be deleted without notice.
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