❗️ 웅기 컴은 3월에 배너 쉬어가도록 하겠습니다.
4월에 있을 웅기의 기념일을 위해 하트를 모아둘 계획입니다.
그리고 혼자서 배너를 구하다 보니 매일 구하는게 어렵다고 판단이 들었기 때문도 있습니다🥺
4월부터는 다시 정상적으로 배너를 올릴 것입니다!
하지만 배너를 아예 안 올리겠다는 것은 아닙니다
당분간 이렇게 웅기의 사진을 잘라서 배너로 올릴 예정입니다.
양해 부탁드립니다🙇♀️
💗배너 신청 받고 있습니다!
아래 링크로 보내주세요⬇️
Woonggi Com will take a break from banners in March.
We plan to collect hearts for Woonggi's anniversary in April.
Also, because I was looking for banners on my own, I realized that it would be difficult to get them every day🥺
We will be posting banners again starting in April!
But that doesn't mean we won't put up banners at all.
For the time being, I'm planning to cut Woonggi's photo and post it as a banner.
Thank you for your understanding🙇♀️
We are accepting banner applications. Please send it below🫶
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March 12, 2025, 6:35 PM
🩷 Useful tips for all rocketdans>
💦use your daily hearts on Heart Pick for Cha Woongki do it before 23:30KST (Remember to drop your hearts with 0 at the end of the chosen amount, eg. you have 225 daily EH then add +5eh to make it 230)
🌱collect Ever Hearts by watching Video Ads every 30minutes
*open Heart Boxes when you click on any uploaded pictures, you can do it 10 times every 4 hours
*check your daily attendance on check page
*send hearts to your friends and remember to check if you received them too
*post images 1:1 ratio to get 100 hearts once a day (you can delete them after)
*post any URL video 50 hearts once a day
*upload square image or post URL video in Hot Time to get +100EH
(HOT TIME 20:00-20:30KST)
🐾remember to vote on ktopstar, higher app and sbs website to support Woongki on Universe League
And please don’t break the banner, use only free size pictures if you want to vote on your own post 🫶🏻
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March 12, 2025, 6:34 PM
🩷 Useful tips for all rocketdans>
💦use your daily hearts on Heart Pick for Cha Woongki do it before 23:30KST (Remember to drop your hearts with 0 at the end of the chosen amount, eg. you have 225 daily EH then add +5eh to make it 230)
🌱collect Ever Hearts by watching Video Ads every 30minutes
*open Heart Boxes when you click on any uploaded pictures, you can do it 10 times every 4 hours
*check your daily attendance on check page
*send hearts to your friends and remember to check if you received them too
*post images 1:1 ratio to get 100 hearts once a day (you can delete them after)
*post any URL video 50 hearts once a day
*upload square image or post URL video in Hot Time to get +100EH
(HOT TIME 20:00-20:30KST)
🐾remember to vote on ktopstar, higher app and sbs website to support Woongki on Universe League
And please don’t break the banner, use only free size pictures if you want to vote on your own post 🫶🏻